New Sale Transactions

  • IRWELL HILL RESIDENCES -> SOLD #21-15 (861 sqft) with 3BR Classic at 4th May 2021
  • MIDTOWN MODERN -> SOLD #09-07 (1442 sqft) with 4 Bedroom at 4th May 2021
  • NORMANTON PARK -> RESERVED 2 Units (#08-45 with 1 Bedroom + Study & #17-07 with 2 Bedroom Premium) at 4th May 2021
  • PEAK RESIDENCE -> SOLD #05-01 (1389 sqft) with 4 Bedroom + Study at 3rd May 2021
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Condos nearing the ABSD Deadline in 2022/2023

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2018-2023 (HDB buyers/upgraders of New Launches) *

* - Please note that information displayed is only based on caveats available in Amicus Database.


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